About Us

Influx Live is an audio production and talent booking agency. 

Set up in 2019 we understand that each client needs are unique so we pride ourselves on listening and working close with each client to get to the heart of what they are trying to achieve.

Influx Live is proud to work and represent high profile names within the radio industry and their incredible talent will help bring you an unforgettable evening.

Our roster of commercial DJs and live talent will help add to each event, whether it be commercial, corporate, public or private events. We will work with you to build your event and add that showbiz element.

We will work with you to make your special event truly unforgettable. It’s our expertise, creativity & friendly approach which makes us the most sought-after entertainment & booking agency in London, the UK & internationally.

Our audio production arm of the business can help you develop, create and produce podcasts to help reach a biggest audience for your brand. We are proud to have recently worked with Scott Mills and Steve Mann on their latest series of Pupdates Podcast, check out our audio production page.

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